“What gets measured gets managed” - Peter Drucker

STEM Education & Workforce

  • In 2020, women were underrepresented among degree recipients at all degree levels in mathematics and computer sciences, and engineering

  • Hispanic, Black, and American Indian or Alaska Native persons collectively account for 26% of S&E bachelor’s, 24% of S&E master’s, and 16% of S&E doctoral degrees earned by U.S. citizens and permanent residents in 2020.

  • Hispanic workers represented 15% of the total STEM workforce in 2021, and Asian and Black workers were 10% and 9%, respectively. American Indians and Alaska Natives together made up less than 1% of the U.S. population and STEM workforce in 2021.

Source: National Science Foundation

Median Wage & Earnings of STEM and Non-STEM

Source: Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement, 2021

Characteristics of the STEM workforce

  • Most S&E occupations require at least a bachelor’s degree.

  • S&E-related positions are a mix of those requiring one or more degrees and those that often require certification.

  • Most middle-skill positions do not require a bachelor’s degree

Executive Summary

  • Enrollment and Participation Rates

  • Retention and Graduation Rates

  • Achievement and Performance Metrics

  • Employment Outcomes

  • Diversity and Inclusion Metrics

  • Funding and Resource Allocation